Posts Tagged ‘ Transclick ’

And the day is here!

The sun shines brighter. The food tastes better. That awful romantic comedy that just came out finally makes sense!!!

We may not be in love, but we are just as elated!

Transclick downloads have reached the big number – 1 million… and still counting.

So thank you all for clicking, because clicking is all it takes to make your lives easier and your phones handier!And while you continue to spread the word about this amazing app, we shall take a minute or two to celebrate.

So if you see a group of people running down the streets of New York screaming ‘ONE MILLION!!’, do come say hello.


Nails are bitten… hushed whispers are exchanged… the sounds of feet tapping and pens clicking are perpetually present.

Thus is the atmosphere in the offices of Freedom Development and Transclick as we , perched at the edge of our swively computer seats, hit the refresh button every 5 minutes. With the number of translick users closing in on the big 1 million, one can only imagine the excitement and the fervent anticipation that we’re in the midst of.

With nearly 1 million users,  Transclick is already on its way to becoming an indispensable part of so many lives. and we are extremely confident that it will go on to touch and be a part of so many more.

Transclick allows you to use the wings at your feet by giving you the world in your hands. So while we impatiently wait to celebrate the 1 millionth user of this wonderful technology, all you have to do is download the app and bring us closer and closer to that number.

Go ahead, make our day.