Archive for the ‘ Ideas we love ’ Category

Sweetest High Gets Mashed-Up!

Ever wonder what a Nadine & Kylie Minogue collaboration would sound like?


How MAJAH it would be if Rihanna & Nadine recorded a song together?

Check out these 2 HOT tracks Master Mash-up producer, Marc Johnce  did with Nadine’s Sweetest High.



Up in the Air

Do what you do best, just do it online.

What are your competitive advantages? Exceptional customer service? Technology above all else? Quality. Quality. Quality.? Knock Knock Jokes? Well whatever your competitive advantage may be, you can reach out better, faster and wider online.

Let us take SouthWest Airlines for example. With a large part of their competitive strategy surrounding customer service, the company found a way to take their work online and make it explode. As one of the very successful companies using social media, SouthWest truly portrays how you can take what you do best, and do it better with the help of social media. In this article, SouthWest VP gives all the social media fledglings out there 10 lessons to get on top and stay there.

Quickly catching on, other airlines have also more recently started to embrace social media and the power of the ‘App’. In this more recent article, Ms Porter Gale of Virgin Atlantic further emphasizes the importance of twitter and facebook in connecting with your consumers and creating a more prominent online presence for yourself.

You know you have a competitive advantage. Now tell the world about it.

What? Plaid is cool.

Single on Valentine’s Day? Well, Here’s 3 things you can do!

– Go to Dinner with your other single friends, sit in a red balloon filled room, be surrounded by couples holding hands and cooing into each others ears, be forced to order from the special ‘Valentine’s Day’ Menu where everything comes shaped like a heart and end up drinking one too many of those red cocktails while bitterly staring and cursing at all the love around you.

– Go Speed Dating! ‘Hi, Here is a list of everything I have ever done in my whole life, all mushed up in 60 seconds’ ‘Hi, I would love for you to meet my strange yet lovable pets. yup, all 15 of them.’ ‘Hi, **crickets**’. ‘Hi, I uh, live in my mom’s basement and uh,’. Enough said.

– Stay Home with a tub of icecream / a large packet of Chips and watch whatever is on TV. Pfft. Who needs dates? It’s just any other day anyway. Psshaw, this is just another scam to commericalize everything and force people to buy unnecessary things. I’ll just sit here and do nothing today because I am better than all those people contributing to capitalism. VALENTINE’S DAY IS STUPID.


You could help support underprevileged people all over the world AND possibly find love all at the same time. Sounds a lot better than the other options huh? Yeah, we know.

On Valentine’s Day, throw on a plaid shirt and take a stroll along the aisles of the closest Whole Foods. Your checkered garment (and keen fashion sense) will signal to “those in the know” that you are single and shopping for a date. And if you don’t own plaid, worry not! Just place a pack of Sir Richard’s Condoms in the front of your cart and that will definitely send out your sneaky single signal.

Supporting this ‘plaid takeover’ would be supporting Sir Richard’s, thus helping spread the word that when you buy one Sir Richard’s Condom, they give one away to a country who can’t afford them, but really needs them.

Plaid + Sir Richard’s Condoms = Love + Saving the world. This could be your equation.

So now you have something amazing to do on Valentine’s Day (unless of course the person with the pets interested you; yeah, we didn’t think so)

Well if the Oscars are doing it…

Remember when your mom used to say, ‘Well just because all the kids in your class jumped off a bridge, doesn’t mean you should too’. We here at Freedom say, if all the kids are jumping off a bridge, jump and be the first to land.

And after 83 years in the business, the Academy Awards are jumping off the bridge. This interview with show producer Bruce Cohen lets us in on the initiatives the Oscars have been taking to ‘fit in’. Finally taking their need for marketing seriously, the Academy’s hire of a creative agency has led to an array of activity on their side. From creating an app to allowing for a live online stream of the show to attract the younger crowd and even introducing the catchy new tagline ‘You’re Invited’, the Academy has certainly started to put 2 and 2 together.

And these changes were made without giving up the tradition of who they are and what they stand for. ‘Change’ is often construed as a big bad scary word that will of course indubitably ruin everything. But time and time again we see that adapting to the way the world revolves, is the only way up. So, maintaining the balance between the much needed changes and the much revered traditions is one of the most important things that corporations need to focus on.

We here at Freedom get that. We represent brands that create traditions while encouraging change. One is not mutually exclusive of the other, and the Freedom Mantra embodies that. Which is exactly why we ask people to jump, since it’s not ALWAYS a bad thing to adapt and ‘fit in’.

So go ahead, jump. We’ll be right here, waiting to catch you.

Looks like we CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

CHANGE. With big brands and large corporations change is a really big word. But speaking with Brad Burnham, a partner at Union Squares Ventures, we understand that regardless of how difficult this change can be, it is important to make them. With this interview, Burnham emphasizes the need for larger brands to change and adapt their ways to include a more interactive and personal approach to dealing with consumers.

It is no more an industry where “You produce a product, market a product, consumers buy that product, You’re done.”

It isn’t enough to simply address a need anymore. Connecting with your consumer base and creating a relationship is what a successful business has become all about; thus sparking the need for immediate changes in the way older brands deal with consumers. It is here that we cannot stress enough that social networking has become an entity that lies in the heart of these changes.

These changes are exactly what we at Freedom encourage and embody. Creating a solid relationship with our consumers and their brands is one of the main ideas that Freedom represents. Ideas are turned into brands. Consumers are turned into fans. Love affairs begin.

So change? Let us begin.

With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.

One New Year’s resolution that we think everyone should take on is to become more aware; of the world, your country or even just your neighbors. With the amazing things that Social Media can do today, being aware is hardly as difficult as it used to be. Thus when Twitter helped the fact that Justin Bieber liked Maple Syrup spread like wildfire across nations, we truly understood the power of social media.

So using this power aptly, YouTube is taking the reigns on keeping us up to date about the protests in Egypt. With the introduction of CitizenTube, a channel devoted entirely to these protests as well as a homepage glaringly promoting spotlight videos from local news channels, YouTube has taken its promise to keep us aware very seriously.

Today the power of social media is all-encompassing. From our initiatives to promote awareness about housing in Haiti or even just an inspiring brand, we understand that power. Here at Freedom we believe in using our powers for the good, and that is exactly what Youtube is doing. So we give citizen tube a big thumbs up! 15 DAYS OF GIVE AWAYS DAY 10 – TEN STICKERS AND CDS FROM KRISTY LEE!

Live at The Soul Kitchen Music Hall in Mobile, AL, 11/11/10 Photo credit: Kari Goodnough/All Good Creatives

Written by Leona Laurie – “It’s Day 10 of the 15 Days of Give-Aways here at, and today we’re giving away a TEN COPIES OF KRISTY LEE’S KRISTY LEE LIVE AT THE SOUL KITCHEN CD WITH STICKERS! We’ll pick FIVE winners for this one, and each of you will get two copies– one to keep & one to share!”

Enter HERE to win Kristy Lee Live at the Soul Kitchen by leaving them a comment telling them why you want the CD/sticker for yourself and a little about the person you plan to give the other set to!

BESTNEWBANDS.COM will  pick the winners next Tuesday, 12/14 and announce them on Wednesday 12/15. GOOD LUCK!


What’s new pussycat?

Everyday there’s something new. Everyday a million ideas are created. Everyday ideas are brought to life. So how do we keep up?

Coming up with something new is hard. Coming up with a good idea is even harder. But is that it? Not even close.           Spreading that idea, helping it stand out and letting it speak to the world; now that’s a whole new ball game.

In this speech, Seth Godin tells all on how to stand out. He talks about remarkability and how it’s not enough if you’re the sliced bread, you need to put yourself in a packet, wrap yourself up really pretty and shout out to the world why you are so much better than any normal loaf.

We here at Freedom understand how important it is to stand out. We know how difficult it is to take an idea, polish it, bring it to life and tell the world about it. But that’s what we do best. Among all the ‘different-same’ products and services in the world, your product and idea needs that something that will lift it up and help it shine through. So though it seems natural to address the majority and address the needs of the largest segment of consumers, that’s what everyone is doing. and at some point, everybody stops wanting what everybody wants. and that’s what Seth Godin talks about.

So speak up and do the different. It’s fun. Freedom does it everyday!

A New Dimension.

Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better than 3D.

We love this article from Idea Works about Ralph Laurens venture into the 4D world, taking their Brand and their Campaign to a completely new dimension. Commemorating their 10th anniversary, RL takes a stab at incorporating some of the latest technology into the displays on their store fronts. This combines luxury, beauty and stellar technology all in one neat, stunning package. The article identifies the three emerging trends of Luxury Retail.

  • Using cutting edge technology to back up cutting edge designs
  • Taking the store and the events straight to the people
  • Increasing their presence on Social and Digital Media

These three trends we see pretty much everywhere these days, what with the increased popularity of Social Media use in marketing and reaching out to the target markets. This sort of unusual methods of displays we think is very similar to what Target pulled off at their Kaleidoscopic Fashion Spectacular!

So pulling out all the stops and standing out is what we’re talking about. Technology helps. But so does a little creativity.

…and one event to bind them all.

What is one thing you can do when you have something you want to tell the world about? Host an Event of course!

There’s just something about a common venue, possibly unlimited food, small talk and a series of programmes that make bringing people together for a cause extremely fun and extremely effective! This sort of marketing gets people aware of your cause and in some senses your product, while still bringing them together and allowing them to socialize and make contacts.

It doesn’t matter if the event is black tie with a side of caviar or a street fair with churros and chorizo. It could also be an event that merely brings people together to voice an opinion. As long as there is a common cause that is portrayed through the event, it will be the same common cause that unites these people in conversation and action. While a media-based marketing campaign can create a place in the market for a product, a campaign that involves the people themselves creates an experience that can be both associated with the product as well as the brand itself.

So when the all famous line ‘market a brand, not a product’ comes up, you now know how to get one step closer to that.

Throw an event! but don’t forget to invite us!